Joshua Wiggins Joshua Wiggins

Be Careful with Your Words

The External Words that you speak, can quite possibly become the Internal Words of another.

The External Words that you speak, can quite possibly become the Internal Words of another.

As the speaker, we do not get to choose which spoken words are internalised by others. We only get to choose the words that conjure and release.

For the person who receives the words, who clings to the words, who believes the words. The potential poison that you have spoken, intended or not, could become their inner dialogue. The words which become the wardrobe of their soul. When one associates their inner invoice with their indentity and their true being, one begins to live their life as if they are simply playing out a self fulfilling prophecy.

If you have told someone that they are, “stupid”, even in jest; they may begin to lack focus, to find their memory is waning, to binge watch TV instead of reading books because “what is the point?” Their identity has been shaped by a loaded hammer and chisel.

If you tell a child that they cannot sing, they will give up on music.
If you tell a child that they cannot draw, they will never try their hand at art.
If you tell a child that they are not great at sport, their dreams of being an athlete will never eventuate.

Words are the wardrobe of the soul.
They shape one’s Identity.
Be Careful with your External Words as they may become the Internal Words of another.

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Joshua Wiggins Joshua Wiggins

Your Ego is your Dance Partner, not your Enemy

The idea of Ego springs many negative connotations to mind. Contrary to popular belief, your Ego is not the Enemy.

Many connotations float around with the mention of the ‘Ego’.




Lacking in Humility.

These ideas reflect a lack of understanding of what the ego is and how one’s ego embeds itself within one’s identity. The ego is the part of our mind that fuels off our insecurities and our desires. It feels the need to react, oppose, and speculate over everything through a lens of a perception that we have of ourselves.

Contrary to popular belief, even the strongest of egos aren’t necessarily ‘elitist’ by nature. If one believes that they are unlovable, unworthy or lacking in skills, the ego will adopt this persona and drip feed ideas and behaviours into you that reinforce these beliefs. If you believe, “I am unlovable”, the ego will suggest that you act in a way that pushes people away rather than toward you. You will reject compliments, go out of your way to avoid genuine connections with others and strengthen your unhealthy self-narrative in the process.

The corollary is also true. If one believes they are greater than everyone around them, they will lack humility and filter out any event that does not support their self-biased memoir.

The ego is an artist, created to sculpt and filter the variety of inputs we receive and process on a daily basis. It is also a general and its first desire is to protect. To protect our image of self, whether it be positive or negative, and to protect us from feeling any unanticipated rejection from the outside world.

The ego is not our enemy. It is part of who we are but it is not the true we. It is the voice that impersonates our truest self, but it is not our truest self. Where many people fall victim to the traps of the ego, is when they let it into the driver’s seat. If we think of the ego as a baby in the family car, it can add to the family dynamic and create a sense of loving harmony and purpose, but it should definitely not be strapped into the driver’s street while the car is in motion.

Instead of rejecting and fighting the ego, we must first learn to observe it. To not react to our thoughts or believe them to be gospel, but to hear them and begin to understand where they are coming from and whether or not they are trying to protect us, to lead us down a path or to reject the reality of life. As we learn to observe the ego but not react to it, we begin to remove it from the driver’s seat and place it safely in the booster seat in the back.

We can understand its workings but not be controlled by them. We can enter the dance and become the one who leads and not the one who follows. When we become the dance partner of our ego, the true nature of life and the world around us becomes a little bit more clear. We can develop an intimate relationship with reality and begin to experience mental and emotional freedom in our lives.

The more we try to fight and resist the ego, the stronger it will become.

Your Ego is your Dance Partner, not the Enemy.

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